If I owned a church, I’d build a nation. With the massive revenues from the church, I’d set up entities to own licenses, construct rail-lines on a regional basis, establish firms that’d manufacturer the rails, the carriages and other accessories required, I’d establish regional refineries to provide the fuels required for the locomotives, I’d deliberately target talents from the higher institutions to run the rail-lines and the factories in the value chain.
I wouldn’t stop at that but deliberately target specific cities and establish modern districts, build hospital facilities, establish roads, schools and set up factories manufacturing household goods. I’d establish embedded power plants to power those cities. I’d take over the local chamber of Commerce and Industry, establish municipal governments in those enclaves, establish local Judiciary and local police, I’d have cities like that in at least 10 places across the region and interconnect them with my rail-lines. I’d deliberately attract foreign investments and settlers into those cities. I’d ensure the villages around the cities were tied into the value chain of the economy of those cities.
I would ensure to get licenses to ports in those regions, and create an export market for the factories established in the cities under my sphere of influence. I would get licenses from the state and federal governments and take over the interstate and intrastate roads. I shall establish a revenue/development performance model for all government strata while ensuring the companies established churn out impactful results of great significance to the citizens.
As a revenue-generating entity, I’d invest massively in the banking and insurance sectors, and help shape policies that’d influence the funding of manufacturing firms for export purposes, and for import substitution!
If course, in the course of all these, I shall create wealth, increase employment, build leaders, and instil confidence in the people under my sphere of influence! We shall build a critical mass that shall create performing regions while relegating the foolishness of the Nigerian system into the background! INEC shall eventually bee seen for what it is; a fraudulent organisation manned by criminals for criminals, and the propagation of wealth shall ensure a massive renaissance in the areas under my sphere of influence.
In those districts, factories manufacturing aircrafts, vehicles, heavy and specialised equipment shall be established. I shall deliberately establish factories to manufacture materiel for the military of Nigeria, and secure contracts for same across Africa and Asia. I shall establish factories for the manufacturing of electronics alongside others. Consumer goods shall be produced across those districts and the free flow of export proceeds shall be felt across those districts.
In no time, I shall make the regions under my sphere of influence have the vibes of Dubai, or those of Shanghai! And this is do-able within a generation, especially with a handshake across thinking daddy G.O.s.
There’s so much good that could come of the church! Out of medieval Europe, a modern Europe that conquered the globe, came as a result of the active intervention of the Church!
In Nigeria, the Church has become a vessel for the endorsement of the oppressors, a means of creating personal wealth, and an agency of brainwashing the populace into greater dumbness!
The Nigerian Church has failed to see the massive opportunities laid before them. They do not self-regulate, nor seem to possess the means of regulating selves under an umbrella. They throw morals to the winds, and do not realise that the love, preached by Christ, is the very reason for their existence! They fail to realise the import of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus fed 5000 worshippers with 5-loaves of bread and 2 pieces of fish! They do not realise that collective wealth is a key cornerstone of the church! They do not realise why they are even existing!
The church is a veritable vessel of development! Unfortunately, miscreants with power of the garb, and extremely questionable morals and character, have seized control of the Church!
If only the GOs realised the powers and influence of the Church on regional and national development! Most are poor-thinking however, and hardly reason above the jejune! They’re mostly more interested in having private jets, spewing bullshit on TV, and propping disastrous regimes with nonsensical talks!
It is a calamity!
When shall we have that renaissance of the Nigerian Church?