…But should we really sell our very best for a parcel of morsel just at the bark of foreign power? Does he really deserve to be exposed to international cruelty? I don’t think so, I believe DCP Abba Kyari deserves to be protected by the Nigerian authorities. He should be investigated by the Nigerian Anti-corruption agencies, if possible, in a public trial for the world to see – that is fair enough. but to hand him over to foreign prosecutors is the height of weakness and unfair reward to his outstanding services rendered to motherland.
The President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari was billed to give a speech at the Global Education Summit in London when news of allegations of fraud preferred against Nigeria’s top celebrated Cop, DCP Abba Kyari, filtered in.
Another national embarrassment was spreading like wildfire, one would say. This time a top cop has been indicted in a world-class fraud case being investigated by the United States federal Bereaux of Investigation, FBI, of which a Nigerian has already been arrested, detained and standing trial.
While the President was giving his speech at the education summit, even though there were questions surrounding his academic qualifications required by law to contest the seat of the president in Nigeria, News of a monumental fraud involving two Nigerians- one a top cop, the other a celebrated social media star – was making rounds around the world including the venue of the education summit where president Buhari was addressing many world leaders who had “certificate to show”.
As usual, many African leaders are used to being without shame; while their home is dirty they junket the world in well starched “Agbada.”
The President who rode to power on the back of anti-corruption campaigns must have been ashamed at such embarrassing news while at a global event addressing world leaders if he is “aware of the news”.
Many Nigerians, though hopeless on the battle against corruption, still want to see the end to corruption allegations preferred against high profile Nigerians – at least the president promised them he would fight corruption if voted for.
Abba Kyari, unlike many other corruption cases swept under the proverbial carpet, is a litmus test to the administration of President Buhari; the United States, a big brother and ally, is leading the investigation.
Possers are: Will Aso Rock dares refuse to dance to the beats of White House? Will the presidency in their usual character choose not to answer many questions apparently begging for answers on a case like this? Many don’t think so. The stubborn boy at home would like to behave himself when he needs dinner after a worst economic outing.
Poor Abba Kyari, he might be used to straighten a weakened relationship, a small dot after all and be treated in the language “he understands” by simply granting the wishes of the paymasters. Stubborn boy he wants to tarnish our image, some would have muttered!
But should we really sell our very best for a parcel of morsel just at the bark of foreign power? Does he really deserve to be exposed to international cruelty? I don’t think so, I believe DCP Abba Kyari deserves to be protected by the Nigerian authorities. He should be investigated by the Nigerian Anti-corruption agencies, if possible in public trial for the world to see – that is fair enough. but to hand him over to foreign prosecutors is the height of weakness and unfair reward to his outstanding services to the motherland.
But beyond this, not allowing transparent investigation of the embattled super Cop and full cooperation with the foreign investigators on the corruption case would also further make a mockery of President Buhari’s anti-corruption fight – This is a test Buhari must pass.
By: *Idowu Bankole who is a Pastor, Journalist and Good governance advocate.