Falz, while appearing on ‘Breakfast Central,’ argued that such bigoted celebs deserved the bullying being dished out to them on social media platforms.
He stated: “I find it funny but at the same time not funny because I see where people are coming from. For the one that have fuelled the tribalism and bigotry we spoke of earlier on. I say they 100 per cent deserve the bullying they’re getting because that is stupid of them. It’s such an evil thing to put fuel.
“I’ve seen celebrities that I thought had some sense in them; I’ve seen them blatantly fuelling this thing; this tribalism and bigotry in such a senseless manner. I think those ones deserved the bullying.
“However, for the other people that have just come to say, ‘This is my preferred candidate’. Everyone of course, like we know, should be fully free from any attack. You know, I should be able to say, ‘This is my preferred candidate and I stand by that’.
“However, we know what we are going through as a country and we know the people that kept us here as a country. So, when those people come with their full chests and say, ‘This is who I support’, I see why people attack them.
“However, it’s not okay. Nobody should be bullied for their choice of candidate but those people too, they should think about it. Look at it, so far, it’s been going round. They too are feeling it.”
Source: The Guardian